Samsung Electronics unveiled One UI 5 Watch,1 to be available for Galaxy Watch devices later this year. The new software is designed to bring an even more personalized and intuitive health experience and includes enhancements that support better sleep — an often neglected yet essential part of overall wellness — as well as various fitness […]
Tag: Samsung
How Our Sleeping Habits Changed Over the Pandemic
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people all over the world have been prioritizing their health and wellbeing more than ever. A big part of this involved gaining a greater awareness about the health benefits of sleep. Sleep is a reset for the mind and body. A good night’s sleep strengthens both physical and […]
Military-grade toughness tablet computer: Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro
Combining military-grade toughness, lightweight portability and exceptional performance, the versatile Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro withstands harsh conditions for use out in the field or frontline. Samsung Electronics today released the new Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro — a versatile tablet that’s strong and portable enough to power productivity beyond the office. With military-grade toughness, advanced productivity […]
Samsung Electronics Announces M8, the New and Stylish Smart Monitor Series
Samsung Electronics today announced its latest Smart Monitor series, the M8, featuring an upgraded, stylish design. The versatile new M8 delivers Samsung’s iconic slim design in four new colors — Warm White, Sunset Pink, Daylight Blue and Spring Green — available in 32-inches with UHD resolution and a SlimFit Cam. First launched in November 2020, […]
Xiaomi Debuts Latest 5G Additions to Redmi Note and Redmi Lineup
Xiaomi today announced the debut of Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G and Redmi Note 11S 5G, complementing its popular Redmi Note 11 Series with more 5G power. Also announced today is Redmi 10 5G, which is also the first Redmi Series device to feature 5G, making next-gen connectivity accessible to more consumers. With the launch […]